The first biennial Quantum Words Perth Festival in 2019 was a huge success, capturing the exciting nexus between science and creativity for people of every age.
As one participant said:
As someone who spends a significant part of my professional life in conferences and symposia around the world I found QWP to be one of the most enjoyable, stimulating and best organised (festivals) I’ve been to in quite some time. I loved the format and the selection of topics, speakers and moderators. The content was accessible to a wide audience without compromising on rigour and depth of the dazzling range of issues discussed.
Oron Catts, Director SymbioticA
The great news is Quantum Words Perth 2022 will be even bigger and better, with an expansive program of events and activities to stimulate new conversations and experiences!
Look back at the 2019 program for a taste of what you can look forward to again this year.