I am thrilled and honoured to be part of the Quantum Words Festival. My motto is “Do Science, Translate Science, Communicate Science”. I have realised that communication is a key to engaging industry, the education sector, policy makers and the community about issues of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Our lives are impacted every day as STEM discoveries are rapidly translated into practice influencing the way we live our lives, our well-being and the health of the environment around us. Our future has challenges but so many opportunities too in STEM-related ways such as via information technology systems, energy supply, transportation, food production, the supply of clean water and the fight against pollution and waste. Science communication has never been more relevant: the Festival will help build a future in which STEM makes a positive difference for Australians and beyond economically, environmentally, socially and culturally. Hooray for the Festival!
CAITLIN REVELL, WACE Beazley Medal for highest academic achievement in 2016 and QWP Youth Patron
Engaging with and writing about science allows complex topics – from the world of quantum mechanics to neuroscience or the origins of the universe – to be conveyed to the broader community. Journal articles and science magazines can encapsulate these fascinating concepts in a language that can be understood by all, in turn bringing science out from a somewhat exclusive world to be shared, understood and enjoyed across the globe.